Gombe State, one of Nigeria's poorest, is leading the way in paying huge sums in severance package to former governors and their deputies. Each governor gets about 202 million naira (about $1.8m). This is also in addition to getting an executive assistant, two cars, and drivers paid for by the state.
This sort of folly makes one cry for Nigeria. It shows we are a long way from the path of development. It shows that our politicians are in it for selfish reasons and far from the service of the people. Think of how much it would cost to cover all the ex-governors and their deputies and what the huge sums could do for a general hospital. Think of how much would be achieved in education with that much money. Think of other infrastructure that would be improved in the state.
Of course we should also consider the impact on future elections. In a country that seeks electoral reforms, making the office of governor so lucrative will make rigging more attractive. How then can they abate electoral fraud given that getting elected would mean getting paid hundreds of millions.
Nigeria cannot successfully solicit support and all sorts of aid from the advanced world when such irresponsibility is the mark of our leadership. Be frugal with what you have so you might be given more.
Even the US president does not get paid that much in office let alone after leaving. President Clinton lives in a house bought from personal funds after leaving office. President Bush is going back to his personal ranch after serving and his current salary is far less than poor Gombe State pays its former governors. Bush earns about $400,000 per annum and this is a man who occupies the World's busiest political office, sits on enough military might to wipe out the entire African continent and presides over a yearly budget many times over what Africa spends in years. New York city's, for instance, dwarfs Nigeria's federal budget. It really bothers me to see our people tolerate such waste.
Ex- governors should not be paid more than senior civil servants get in gratuity upon retirement and should not under any circumstance be paid before a civil servant who has served the state for 35 years.